_____ ______ _____ ____  __  __ __  __ _____     _______ _____ _    _ 
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 | |    | |__ | |   | |  | | \  / | \  / | |__) /  \  | | | |    | |__| |
 | |    |  __|| |   | |  | | |\/| | |\/| |  ___/ /\ \ | | | |    |  __  |
 | |____| |___| |___| |__| | |  | | |  | | |  / ____ \| | | |____| |  | |
  \_____|______\_____\____/|_|  |_|_|  |_|_| /_/    \_\_|  \_____|_|  |_|
Clockwork Empires Community Patch - Version: 0.9.5Clockwork Empires, all code, assets, etc. are (c) Gaslamp Games
Install | Known Issues | Links | Changelog | Tools | Credits

Welcome to the Clockwork Empires Community Patch (CECOMMPATCH)! This project is an effort to continue development of the game Clockwork Empires that was made by Gaslamp Games. All changes are done to the exposed game files, *not* the engine itself. Decompiling the executable to gain access to those parts of the code is not part of this project, so engine-related limitations exist. Fortunately, Gaslamp Games made their engine in such a way that the vast majority of the game is moddable so it's rare to run into hardcoded issues.

The first priority of CECOMMPATCH is to fix any outstanding bugs that the game has. Great progress has been made so far, and the list of bugs is ever decreasing. After the majority are fixed, the next step will be to implement features that were removed/unfinished. A huge amount of unused 3D models, events, and gameplay features are still in the game files, and we plan to utilize as much as possible.

After that stage, completely new content will be considered. The intent of this project is not to create a "total conversion", so all custom content will be themed in a way that fits with the established style.

  _____ _   _  _____ _______       _      _      
 |_   _| \ | |/ ____|__   __|/\   | |    | |     
   | | |  \| | (___    | |  /  \  | |    | |     
   | | | . ` |\___ \   | | / /\ \ | |    | |     
  _| |_| |\  |____) |  | |/ ____ \| |____| |____ 
 |_____|_| \_|_____/   |_/_/    \_\______|______|
  1. BUY Clockwork Empires from Steam! http://store.steampowered.com/app/224740/
  2. Download the "Experimental Branch" (1.0D) version of Clockwork Empires from Steam
    1. Install the game normally
    2. Right click the game in your Steam Library
    3. Click "Properties"
    4. Click the "BETAS" tab
    5. Choose "experimental-" from the dropdown
    6. Close the pop-up and allow the game to update
    7. The game should now be called "Clockwork Empires [experimental]" in your library
  3. Download the newest CECOMMPATCH from https://github.com/SickBoySB/cecommpatch/releases/latest (if you're reading this you probably already have it)
  4. Unzip the contents of this zip file into your game folder (which should be located wherever Steam installed it, typically "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Clockwork Empires")
  5. When prompted to overwrite the files, say "YES"
  6. You're done! It is highly recommended to use a new save with this patch. While initial versions should work okay with other 1.0D saves, as new content is added there will likely be problems.

You'll know you've installed the patch correctly if this readme has an image-based background (assuming you moved the readme as well... which isn't necessary, but recommended).

To uninstall this patch all you need to do is "verify integrity of game files" on Steam. The original files will be redownloaded and the mod will be overwritten.

  _  ___   _  ______          ___   _   _____  _____ _____ _    _ ______  _____ 
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         __     ___      ___ 
        /  \   / _ \    / __)
       (  0 )_ \__  )_ (___ \   0.9.5 (NEW SAVE RECOMMENDED)
         __     ___     ___  
        /  \   / _ \   / _ \ 
       (  0 )_ \__  )_(__  (   0.9.4 (NEW SAVE RECOMMENDED)
        \__/(_)(___/(_) (__/ 
         __     ___     ____ 
        /  \   / _ \   ( __ \
       (  0 )_ \__  )_  (__ (   0.9.3
         __     ___     ____ 
        /  \   / _ \   (___ \
       (  0 )_ \__  )_  / __/   0.9.2
         __     ___     __  
        /  \   / _ \   /  \ 
       (  0 )_ \__  )_(_/ /   0.9.1
         __     ___     __    
        /  \   / _ \   /  \   
       (  0 )_ \__  )_(  0 )   0.9.0
         __     ____     ____ 
        /  \   / _  \   (___ \
       (  0 )_ ) _  ( _  / __/   0.8.2
         __     ____     __   
        /  \   / _  \   /  \  
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         __     ____     __  
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       (  0 )_ ) _  ( _(  0 )   0.8.0
         __    ____   __
        /  \  (__  ) /  \
       (  0 )_  / /_(  0 )   0.7.0   (previous changelogs combined)
  _______ ____   ____  _       _____ 
 |__   __/ __ \ / __ \| |     / ____|
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    | | | |__| | |__| | |____ ____) |
    |_|  \____/ \____/|______|_____/ 
-|             Item Recipe Search             |-

(clear search)
-|             Lab Research Tree             |-
   _____ _____  ______ _____ _____ _______ _____ 
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 | |    | |__) | |__  | |  | || |    | | | (___  
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  \_____|_|  \_\______|_____/_____|  |_| |_____/ 
                                          ;\   It's my incessent
                                         /  \  droning, isn't it?
                       Please, God,      `.  ]          ,^^--.      Are we dead, Mike?
                       say "The End". __   [  \        /      \              ,',^-_
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